Saturday, November 3, 2007

World - I Have Arrived!

Hello World!

On October 28, 2007 - at 9:13AM EST - I finally traversed my way down through the birth canal and decided to come spend some time outside of Mommy. Frankly, I'm glad I'm out - it was hot in there, and wow was I crammed. At 7 lbs, 5 oz, and 20.5 inches, I'm being told that I was an elegantly sized baby and that my long legs are an asset I'll certainly be happy with in about 20 years.

Thanks much to Mom for hooking me up with all kinds of nutritional goodness during my 10 month stint in utero. She really did a great job taking care of me - from her thrice weekly workouts, to her abolishment of alcohol from the diet - she couldnt have been a better host. Besides providing me with her VIP treatment, I'm also blessed with Mommy's eyes, chin and cheekbones. Not sure how much I feel about Dad's nose, tookis , and fingers, but I'd like to thank him for them too.

Now that I'm outta there - I cant wait to officially begin sharing my experiences with you. Check back in regularly for my commentary and general thoughts on livin' life!

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